Tyler Chen

Tyler Chen

Catherine Sun Reading Tyler Chen 3 minutes Next Ava Li

Tyler Chen is a visionary artist whose spirited works tribute to the exhilarating worlds of skiing and surfing. Borned in the heart of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains in 1992, Tyler was surrounded by some of the most majestic ski slopes in the world. This proximity to prime skiing territory imprinted on him a deep love for the slopes, which would later become the central theme of his artistic endeavors.

Tyler’s journey into art began at the University of Colorado Boulder, where he initially studied environmental science, driven by his love for nature. However, his passion for art was undeniable, and he soon found himself in the Fine Arts program, combining his two great loves: the great outdoors and painting.

His works capture the fluidity and dynamism of both skiing and surfing. With a palette knife and bold strokes, Tyler’s paintings convey the rush of a downhill run or the curl of a towering wave. His style is characterized by a certain vivacity and movement; the textures in his paintings almost mimic the roughness of snow and the smoothness of water.

Chen’s unique ability to portray both the speed of skiing and the serenity of surfing sets him apart. His paintings are an array of contrasting emotions—they are at once a serene homage to the solitude one finds amidst nature and a vibrant depiction of the adrenaline rush that comes from engaging with it.

After graduating, Tyler traveled extensively, from the snowy peaks of Switzerland to the pristine beaches of Bali, gathering inspiration for his paintings. His work does not simply capture the physical act of skiing or surfing; it speaks to the connection between the individual and nature, the feeling of being a mere speck against the vast, awe-inspiring backdrops of mountains and oceans.

Tyler Chen has exhibited his work in numerous galleries throughout the United States and in the coastal towns of Australia, capturing the hearts of sports enthusiasts and art collectors alike. His paintings not only decorate homes and galleries but also inspire many to pursue the thrill of outdoor sports.

Aside from painting, Tyler is also a seasoned ski instructor and a certified surf coach. He often says that teaching others to ski and surf offers him a different perspective on his art, as he witnesses the joy and transformation that these sports bring to people’s lives.

Tyler Chen's life and work are a testament to the beauty of chasing horizons, whether they are found on snowy mountain caps or the crests of waves. His art invites us to experience the freedom of the slopes and the seas, reminding us of the boundless joy that comes from engaging with nature at full speed.

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