Welcome to the Artextured Frequently Asked Questions page! Dive into comprehensive insights on our unique, handcrafted art collection, the personalization you can apply to your art selection, the streamlined ordering process, and much more.

  1. Ordering Artwork Made Easy
  • How to Order: Choose your favorite art piece from Artextured, tailor it to your taste, and confirm your order. Our skilled artists begin crafting your artwork, typically ready in 5 business days. You’ll get a sneak peek through a photo and video for your approval ahead of shipment. Expect the entire process to span 2-4 weeks.
  1. Authentic Handcrafted Art
  • Craftsmanship: Each artwork at Artextured is authentically handcrafted, celebrating our community of dedicated artists and artisans. Note, the handcrafted nature of our work means slight color variations are natural.
  1. Preview Before Shipment
  • Artwork Previews: Yes, you’ll receive a photo and video preview of your artwork to ensure it meets your expectations.
  1. Personalized Art
  • Custom Requests: Artextured welcomes requests for custom dimensions, color adjustments, or other bespoke modifications. Reach out via email with your details.
  1. Framing Your Masterpiece
  • Framing Options: Choose from Canvas Only, Wrapped Canvas, Framed Canvas, or Framed Acoustic options to complement your art.
  1. Artwork Completion Timeline
  • Completion Time: Artwork completion generally takes up to 14 days, with more intricate designs requiring up to 20 days.
  1. Secure Payment Options
  • Payments: PayPal is our preferred method of payment, ensuring a smooth and secure transaction.
  1. Transparent Pricing
  • All-Inclusive Prices: Our prices are comprehensive, covering shipping, duties, and taxes, without hidden fees.
  1. Track Your Art Journey
  • Order Tracking: Stay updated with email notifications containing your order’s tracking information.
  1. Prompt Delivery
  • Delivery Estimates: Orders are typically delivered within two weeks, with complex pieces taking up to three weeks.
  1. Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Damages and Returns: Artextured offers a 30-day return policy for refunds or exchanges on damaged or unsatisfactory items.
  1. Personal Touch
  • Artist Signature: Add a personal touch by requesting the artist’s signature at checkout.
  1. Exclusive Business Discounts
  • Wholesale Benefits: We offer special discounts and privileges for business trade accounts.

For further inquiries, reach out to us at info@artextured.com. We’re eager to assist you!